Mark Marshall


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Letters to the Dones…pt2

In the book ‘Church Refugees’ by Josh Packard, there is statistical data of those who will become spiritual refugees and Dones. It is alarming to say the least. The book takes data and tells the story, and what summarized is that almost 25 – 40% of those who are faithful builders of the Kingdom will end up as ‘DONES’. They will continue to Love, Serve, and believe in God, but they are done with Church (as we know it). I have experienced the right hand of fellowship as the scriptures say, and the left foot of fellowship when it comes to church life. I am interested in gathering together these like minded people and discover what might be next.

From the Book: Clearly, the dechurched are outliers in the religious landscape. However, they’re extremely important outliers. They’re the ones who, prior to leaving, showed up at worship every week and tithed. They organized and participated in small-group activities, Bible studies, worship planning, church councils, elder teams, and a plethora of other activities and services that are the lifeblood of churches big and small. They were the keepers of organizational history and played a significant role in defining institutional identity. They’re the opposite of the free riders who consume church resources but contribute little. Indeed, their work and activity make it possible for a congregation to support the free riders who often make up the bulk of church attendees on a given Sunday.

Packard, Josh. Church Refugees: Sociologists reveal why people are DONE with church but not their faith . Group Publishing, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Over the last 3 months I have been in intercession for this people group. I have been feeling the in between passion that I believe God is reaching out to them. I just can’t shake it. I know that I know God wants to reach out to these great people. These people possess the riches of the Kingdom within their hearts. They have experienced His Presence, and carry a wealth of treasure concerning community life. My heart goes out to you, whoever you are out there. I see you and hear you. In this intercession time, late at night I began to prophesy through writing letters to them. This is one of the letters that God moved me to write.

I don’t know where you are, or how you got there; but in a real way I totally understand. I too have found myself in a strange land. No matter how many times we say it’s just our new normal; it never really feels productive and or makes a difference in any ones lives. I truly miss that.
I find myself becoming suffocated and exhausted with all of this ‘Me’ time. It’s foreign to me. I have been connected to, loved, and served with others my whole adult life. I never knew what it was like to be disconnected, but I do now.

This strange land where we strive to obtain more and more stuff thinking it will make us happy, free, and safe. But in reality it does just the opposite, it excuses me from experiencing the struggle of the tension of community life with others. Within the community life we feel the most alive. We get many things out of community life. We get feedback on our passions, encouragement when we feel defeated, and exhorted when we get tired and lazy. I know you replaced your divine community with a different one, but the new one is not always spiritually based, and probably you aren’t allowed to manifest your divine life among your new group. Community life used to be my drink of choice. When Jesus said I have food and drink you know not of, I somehow think his community was at the heart of it.

I know you still post scriptures and I’m glad and proud that you do. But the scriptures remain in bible form with out the community. The cross goes vertical and horizontal for a reason, because you must have both to experience the fullness of the Divine Life. But when you study and read the scriptures and live them out within the community, you experience the Living Truth and the Word of God! It’s different.

I know it feels like your name is no longer on the hearts and minds of those who called you friend and brother. This is evidenced by the lack of communication from them. Rest assured that you are not alone. There is an army of forgotten soldiers of the cross. If you feel some kind of way about these letters then ponder it and bring it to God and let’s talk about it. We owe it to our years and years of service to the church to help the next generation whether we are there or not. If we don’t build a platform to tell our story, the church will be doomed to keep repeating it’s history.

I would put money on the fact the beginning of you becoming a DONE has to do with as many as one or two people that made your life miserable. In my time as leadership in the church we would always here everyone is upset about this, or a lot of people are saying that about you etc. My first reaction is ALWAYS – WHO says this or that? As my dad would always say, ‘If I’m lying I’m dying’, when the truth comes out its ALWAYS one or at most two people. The trouble is they didn’t come to you (hence the flaw in the system) and once they begin to tell a few folks it becomes a raging wild fire. Bishop Ashe used to tell me, ‘Mark once someone spins out a lie, there is nothing you can do about it but outlive it! A lie is like the serpent in the beginning in the Garden of Eden. But it becomes a full grown dragon in the end in Revelations. But you can outlive it! It does have a shelf life’.

I have hope that there is no leadership in any organizational church that has a bad heart, but I found that not to be true in my career. But we can not let a few insecure leaders drive us from the people that we have connected to, and grew up with in many cases. Whether you want to deal with it at all anymore is not relevant, because God himself is searching you out. Reaching to heal, mend, and stitch up the broken places. I mean we did at one time only want to be like Jesus! Well here’s the example laid out before us:
1. The prophetic picture of Jesus is the Greater serves the Lessor.
2. It is in the brokenness of his life that multitudes were healed and made whole.

Let these letters resonate and marinate. In the Church Refugees book, over and over people confirm that they don’t miss the preaching or committees as much as the actual worship together and those deep friendships that we built along the way. Oh how we miss these things. Not the drama of it, but the beautiful messy way we used to do life together.

I grew up in the 80’s church. We were drilled year after year, day by day to come out from among the world and have no fellowship with them. That they would corrupt you and quench your anointing, and ultimately your seat at the table. I have been studying friendships for quite a while. I read a PEW report the other day that said Christians mainly only build friendships with those of like minded faith. As a matter of fact an astounding 95% will only have friends that believe like them, vote like them, do the things they like to do etc. So we can’t get mad at the church because once upon a time we were those, only now we know the sting of it because many of us are on the other side of the fence.

I feel your pain, I want to hear your story. I want to see what’s next in our journey and what that will look like. I hope you care enough to explore the possibilities that maybe God isn’t done with you even though you are done with His people. And when you think about it, it’s weird to think that we could have one without the other, but here we are!

Lastly the church has changed a lot since you’ve been gone. They have become more embracing and tolerant as to where everyone is at. I mean I NEVER thought I would see a smoking section behind the church! But they finally are getting the message of embracing the flawed while in process of becoming.

Letters to the Dones…pt1

Just Wow!

I have contemplated, prayed, meditated over this part of my journey for several years now. I read and studied many articles, and books, some of which are: Churchless – George Barna Group, the Rise of the Nones – James Emery White, Church Refugees – Josh Packard, Exodus of the Religious Dones – Josh Packard.

I have been in deep intercession for these people, because for all tense and purposes I have found my self in this place. While I believe people who served faithfully, contributed their time, talent and resource to something that did not end they way they dreamed. So where do they go from here? What do they do with all of their spiritual experience and pursuits. Are we supposed to say well that was good while it lasted? Are we going to just ignore it like it never happened? Was is it just a bad dream? 

Please understand at the outset I am NOT talking about a church, or any church in particular, but rather the church in general. The church I go to has been a huge blessing to me, the people are amazing, and the Bishop is a definite father of the faith of which I wouldn’t still be here without them.

I loved and served the church my whole life. I so desire that it succeed it’s mission to build a spiritual community for the healing of our nation. These letters are about the DONES and their relationships to and through the churches. I can’t shake my devotion and love for the church. Everyone around me is checking out, or becoming a consumer of Christianity but I still remain hopeful that she will play a major role in the end of time. My desire and hope is that we somehow gather the DONES and love them back to life by hearing their story! These letters are years and years in the making, I needed a platform to tell my story. It’s not to offend anyone, but rather to inform everyone of what I am seeing and sensing. I met with my Bishop a few months ago, and I asked him if the current consumerism of the church was going to change, and he told me definitely it was going to swing back to more spirituality, I of course was thrilled to hear.

I have come to find out that you can outgrow the modern church, when you get to that place to where you want to explore the boundaries of spirituality, there is no longer a use for you. No matter what you have contributed, you must stay within the confines of the established purpose. If you try to color outside of the lines of the establishment, you will be shunned and avoided. The church in America has always been a “What have you done for me lately?” kind of entity. What you accomplished in your past or for the organization if of no consequence or merit.

Building a long term legacy and retirement plan of spiritual things will be difficult in the modern church. I mean you walk into a church today as a new person, you really never get a glimpse of those who sacrificed yesterday for what you freely enjoy today.  You might be recognized in some religious way whether through some token appreciation day, or your photo might be on a wall: but your true story will never be heard.

That’s a little of what is missing in the modern church, the sense of saintly sacrifice and history. The modern church is so edgy and relevant, there seems to be no room for ancient artifacts and history. It seems relevance has taken precedence over reverence. It’s become fresh paint, catchy slogans, and lighting, cool programs and great sound. But knowing how to have a cool service and knowing how to experience the living God in a deep way are not always the same. And to that end I begin this portion of the Dones Letters with this, ‘Thank you for your Sacrifice!’

Being an older person in the church and faithfully serving and giving my life, my hopes, and dreams, my resources, and all I have for 35 years; I feel sometimes like it must have felt when the Vietnam Veterans came home. There was no parade, no monument, no recognition of service for years and years. It is that feeling of being used, neglected and forgotten that I speak to right now. 

You are the ones I have been intercession over. You are the ones that God is seeking. Those that have become an invisible reality to the church. Let me please interject; I know what it means to give all to a church and or spiritual group and come up empty. The sting of that reality happens when you decide to leave and no one calls or reaches out! The reality when people actually want you to go!  In the Church Refugees book, every single person they interviewed were people that paid their tithes, served, ministry committees etc. But when they finally left the church not one single person was called. Not one single person….saying it again so you can grasp that.

Let me please interject here two thoughts:
1. The church is super great at the front door; greeting, welcoming you, embracing you into the fold and eventually placing you within the organization. But what it desperately lacks is the humility and grace to restore and reach out to those broken or struggling within the system. They 100% will embrace the sinner or the ones who are brand new. They 100% are not equipped to the deal with flawed saints.

Galatians 6:1 “If you see a brother fall into something, you which are spiritual RESTORE such a one in the spirit of meekness and humility.”

Most of the progressive modern churches have data and numbers on visitors, and transitioning visitors into members, members into servants, and servants into leadership etc. But very few keep data on the back door. They may know who has left the church, but they most likely do not know the WHY they left, therefore restoration is beyond them. I somehow feel in a strange prophetic way that those who learn from the back door will be able to transition into tomorrow. 

You know the back door will be the most important door in the future. Because according to George Barna on the research of the millennials, is that only 3 of 10 will continue in the modern church system the way it is currently constructed. Meaning that only 30% of the people ages 22-37 will be in the church functioning in the next generation. 

However the resources of the Dones that go out the backdoor far exceed the 70% that the church of tomorrow will miss out on. I am convinced that if the Dones had another level, or different version of church and community; the longevity of the church would be secured forever. They don’t NOT LOVE GOD! they just can’t do the form of church that it currently is in, consumerism and ministry mindedness has gotten in the way of just doing life together.

2. The DONES are extremely hard to love and reach out to! I sat down 4 years ago and wrote down the DONES that I personally know and have been in spiritual relationship with. In about 2 minutes I wrote down 55 names! These are names that shook the world at one time, not going to church, not interested, or mad about it. Moved on!

What I know about the DONES is they still have that passion for the things of God! They still believe, they miss worship, and they desperately miss the community life in it’s purest form. But I’ll say it again for those in the back can here; ‘DONES are hard to LOVE!’

So for the church to reach back out to you and hear you, it’s going to take a miracle. That miracle I am asking for is just an opportunity to hear you.  There are some DONES on my list that I pray over all the time, but I can’t even get a phone call back, you reach out to them and they just can not give you any time.  I see you as hurt, not finished, and wanting something but not able to trust again, and I totally get it. But I come unarmed. I have no agenda but to love and know you, to hear your story.  I mean spiritual things are so far off their list. It’s frustrating, so don’t blame the church for that!

You’ve either built a barrier against spirituality in all forms, or you have moved onto something that replaces your divine community. 

I feel in my heart of hearts that God isn’t through with us. I believe there is another level of community and spirituality that we can pursue together without the organized part of american church life. But I sit here in my sacred space praying for you and believing God to show me the next step.

Let me close this portion of part one of the letters to the DONES with this thought:

When you run to insulation against the abrasive judgmentalism of the the church, you run the risk of living in isolation. Whether you run from the judgemental opinions or even being totally ignored like you do not even exist you are in isolation.  Isolation is a very hard place to recover from. Because you live in a forgotten place, it’s safe, but there is no life there it’s a spiritual wasteland. No exchange of spiritual energy from others.

Most times I feel like Clark Kent. I have my own sign business of which I am so grateful for, but 98% of the people that I deal with have no idea whatsoever that I am SUPERMAN! on the inside. I have no expression or group that helps me see the real me about me on a daily basis. I have become a mere mortal, along with the trappings of that boring life.  I mean used to the deaf hear, blind see, and hearts are made new again! But those days seem far a few in between.  It’s an unbelievably lonely and painful place. But I still have my suit! I’m ready to break it out!

I’m working through the years and years of spiritual abuse and pain from the church, but I still believe in God and fundamentally in the true church.  She is my mother, the one that borned me. She gave me space to learn and grow, she fed me, she clothed me, she brought me to the Kingdom. 

I am hoping some people that read these letters will feel the same way too, and we can begin to rebuild and discover what is our spiritual next. If not I will live within my own spirit and memorialize yesterday to the next generation. Work my business, worship in my own sacred space until my time of exit comes, I will yet praise him no matter who it irritates….


The Soul of our nation…

I am feeling our nation hasn’t been this divided most likely since the civil war? I have been hearing by the Spirit that a major shift is going to take place after this election. I was talking to my wife tonight, and we were talking about the upcoming election. I have been in prayer about it for the last year. I can say I’m shocked not by what has gone on via the candidates and or from the political speeches and events; but rather I am shocked by the revelation of the soul of our nation.

I told my wife tonight, ‘this election did not cause all of this division and confusion, it has been used by God Himself to ‘Reveal’ the division that is already here!’ We have a sick soul of a people of our nation. People say our nation is become so divided, but I submit rather, this election process has done nothing more than reveal the lack of love, tolerance, and compassion for each other.

If the devil had any mission at all, at the core of his assignment, it would be to cause division between a community or people group. For you see, “Where envying and strife are, there is confusion and every evil work!”James 3:16

“For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.” NLT

The fullness of the work of evil is manifest in a community full of strife, selfish ambition, and jealousy.

I submit to you that this election has not ’caused’ this massive divide, but rather there has been a sound that is already being played in the hearts of people across our great nation. People have heard the sound, and thus the division was made known.

We are going to be severely challenged to put the soul of our country back together again. I am praying for the church, which is a voice of the Almighty, and houses the very Presence; will be able to reach out with a redemptive healing balm. The church forever has been known as the moral compass for the nation, but now more than ever we need to become a calm in the midst of this storm. We need to become healers of this great divide.

I heard and article tonight that said 52% of our nation will be greatly disturbed and very distrustful if one candidate gets elected, and 48% will be the very same if the other candidate gets selected. So you see clearly no matter who wins, or which side; there is going to be distrust and skepticism at the best.

For the first time because of our one sided social media constructs, we are able to spout out what we are feeling without and recourse as to what others may be feeling or thinking. I mean for the most part people are to the point that their motto and claim to fame is now lately, ‘I don’t care what others think’, this is a very slippery slope. We have ceased to listen to each other, validate each others thoughts and feelings. This is very disturbing to me.

We need to remember, that selecting a leader in Samuel’s time / and David’s time, was the beginning of the end of the soul of the nation up to that point. The people wanted Saul to be their leader, in opposition to what Samuel wanted to select. The people selected someone that was in the natural realm the obvious choice. But I tell you this turned out to be a train wreck, and spiritual famine became the norm.

We as the church need to help people understand that God is truly in control, even when we can’t possibly perceive that He is, but I can assure you He is.